Nesty and Nikki are two blondes who, from the age of eighteen, have realised that there are two ways of looking at life:
The first, the best known, is also the most common: you get up early in the morning, you go to work, you obey your boss, and at the end of the month you're left with what he was kind enough to leave you.
The second is less academic, less moral, some would say, you get up late in the morning, you go shopping in the afternoon, at night you go out clubbing, and to finance this eternal party, you make the guy who works pay and you become ...
Nesty and Nikki are two blondes who, from the age of eighteen, have realised that there are two ways of looking at life:
The first, the best known, is also the most common: you get up early in the morning, you go to work, you obey your boss, and at the end of the month you're left with what he was kind enough to leave you.
The second is less academic, less moral, some would say, you get up late in the morning, you go shopping in the afternoon, at night you go out clubbing, and to finance this eternal party, you make the guy who works pay and you become the Boss.
Plan B is also the most inaccessible, don't dream buddy, it’s not for you, you have to be called Nikki and Nesty to join the club. You already need to have the required physical qualities, a predatory mind, the gaze that immediately sniffs out the right sucker, the ideal prey who will submit to the sight of a pair of feet. Lenin called them useful idiots but not for the same reasons.
Phil is probably the happiest guy in the world, he plays in the category Slut and Sucker. In this video, he’s the slave of these stunning beautiful blondes for whom he serves as a footrest and spittoon. They took him into the garden to lick their feet and it doesn't matter if the neighbours are at the windows, before going into the living room for a humiliation session.
Humiliation, foot fetish, foot smelling, foot gagging, spitting, face-sitting. MP4 FULL HD, 50 images / second.
Nesty et Nikki sont deux blondes qui dès leurs 18 ans ont compris qu’il existe deux façons d’envisager la vie :
La première, la plus connue, est également la plus courante : tu te lèves tôt le matin, tu pars bosser, t’obéis au tôlier et à la fin du mois tu te démerdes avec ce qu’il a eu la bonté de te laisser.
La seconde est moins académique, moins morale diront certains, le matin tu restes au plumard, l’après-midi tu vas faire du sport, le week-end tu sors en boîte, et pour financer la fiesta, tu fais raquer le mec qui va bosser, et finalement, tu te superposes au tôlier.
Le plan B c’est aussi le plus inaccessible, rêve pas mon pote, c’est pas pour toi, faut s’appeler Nesty et Nikki pour faire partie du club, il faut déjà avoir les qualités physiques requises, ajoute à cela un esprit prédateur, le regard bleu azur qui immédiatement flaire le pigeon, la proie qui à la vue d’une paire de pieds va se soumettre. Lénine parlait des idiots utiles mais pas pour les mêmes raisons.
Phil est sans doute le mec le plus heureux du monde, dans la catégorie pute et pigeon , il est le meilleur, et dans cette vidéo il est à la fois valet de pieds des deux blondes mais également leur toilette. Les deux Miss l’ont emmené dans le jardin pour lui faire lécher leurs pieds et peu importe si les voisins sont aux balcons puis dans le salon pour une séance d’humiliation.
Humiliations, fétichisme des pieds, sniffage des pieds, foot gagging, crachats, face-sitting. MP4 FULL HD, 50 images / seconde.