Ortho Boot Stair Climb
My Rating:
Category: Wheelchairs
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 11/15/2022


Lady Phoenix and her nurse Willow have finally made it to the house. Fitted with her new orthopedic boot for her ankle injury she is wheeled up to the door by Nurse Willow. Exhausted after a long day at the doctor and a store run she can't think of anything but getting upstairs to her couch to relax. Nurse Willow parks the wheelchair, hands Lady Phoenix her belongings and crutches and walks off leaving her to struggle and find her way into the house alone. Realizing her crutches are not the proper height she has a very hard time maneuvering her way in. Now there's the stairs. Hands full, s...

Ortho Boot Stair Climb

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