Three wild and uninhibited go-go dancers - Billie, Rosie and Varla - dance in a club before racing their sports cars across the desert. They play a high-speed game of chicken on the salt flats and meet a young couple, Tommy and Linda, out to run a time trial.
In a small desert town, they stop at a gas station where they see an old man in a wheelchair and his step-son who is muscular and dull. The gas station attendant tells the women that the old man was paralyzed in a train accident, "freaking out" as a result, and that he has received a large sum of money which is hidden somewher...
Three wild and uninhibited go-go dancers - Billie, Rosie and Varla - dance in a club before racing their sports cars across the desert. They play a high-speed game of chicken on the salt flats and meet a young couple, Tommy and Linda, out to run a time trial.
In a small desert town, they stop at a gas station where they see an old man in a wheelchair and his step-son who is muscular and dull. The gas station attendant tells the women that the old man was paralyzed in a train accident, "freaking out" as a result, and that he has received a large sum of money which is hidden somewhere around his decrepit house in the desert. Intrigued, Varla devises a plan to rob the old man, and the three women follow him to the ranch.
At the ranch they meet the old man, his youngest step-son (who they discover is called "The Vegetable" due to his mental weakness) and his eldest step-son, Kirk. The group all have lunch together and Billie taunts Rosie when Varla leaves with Kirk, hoping to seduce him by letting him reveal the location of the money. Linda later escapes Billie and escapes to the desert. The old man and the younger step-son chase in their truck. The younger step-son captures Linda and appears to be on the verge of attacking her, but collapses in tears when Varla and Kirk arrive. Kirk finally recognizes his step-father's lewd nature and the old man's power over his younger step-brother, and vows to hospitalize his younger step-brother. He tries to take the hysterical Linda into town in the truck, but the old man says he threw away the keys and Kirk and Linda set out on foot across the desert.
Billie walks away, Kirk and Linda drive off together in the truck.
Release date: 1965
Country : United States Language: English Color: Black and White Genre: Action, Erotic
(Purchasing info on the ZeccaBoom studio) ATTENTION Please note that the films and titles in clips for sale come from the original and are MODIFIED according to the "Content Rules" of the website see link: In addition, being a Vintage film, the image and audio are improved, all to have a good vision. Obviously all at a much lower price than the original.