I was a humble girl, and worked as a secretary. But you made my life miserable. Your to me to resign. You grabbed my ass, obscene jokes. And now, I have no work, my life went downhill. Now I'm a . And you wanted to fuck. And here I am. You bastard, I am now the main!!! Show to what you can do. Oh, you're excited. Get on your balls. And now, in the face. Igonna blow you out of the . You're hurt. You're writhing in pain. Look at me. Oh, you again excited. Do you like? Then I smudge the your balls over the wall. I'll beat you to a pulp.
I was a humble girl, and worked as a secretary. But you made my life miserable. Your to me to resign. You grabbed my ass, obscene jokes. And now, I have no work, my life went downhill. Now I'm a . And you wanted to fuck. And here I am. You bastard, I am now the main!!! Show to what you can do. Oh, you're excited. Get on your balls. And now, in the face. Igonna blow you out of the . You're hurt. You're writhing in pain. Look at me. Oh, you again excited. Do you like? Then I smudge the your balls over the wall. I'll beat you to a pulp.