Morgan is the kind of eccentric you find in every family. She's got the book smart, maybe a little "geeky", certainly don't get along with the cheerleaders. You'll always find her in a pagan outfit, styling a five point star pendent hang around her neck. Whenever you walk past her room, you will always spot her collection of candles and spell book. When you take a stroll at the park on full moon night, you'll find her with her coven friends, dancing and chanting in their long black coats.
Last year, Morgan founded her "Wicca Club" in her school. It started with just a few girls with black lipstick and pale make up, they are not as popular as the cheer leaders or the volleyball team, but they always seems to get what they want in student council. Sometimes a faculty member can be spotted visiting the club after school, after a special "enchantment" ceremony, they would appear really relaxed, slumped over in their chair, head lolled to the side, whispering in response to Morgan's insistent voice. The situation became strange when cheerleaders were carrying Morgan's school bag, and football players were fighting to ask the Wicca club girls to the prom.
Now all grown up with a psychology education under way, Morgan is expanding her circle of influence. She remember a time in the past where she was humiliated for her Gothic way, now being a well trained mind controller, she's on her way to find everyone who had fun at her expense, fully intent to return the favor.
It was the day before thanksgiving, you've been away working all year long. Even though you look forward to coming home, you weren't too thrilled to see your cousin Morgan again. You've grown up with Morgan, your parents made you look after her when her parents were absent. She's that younger cousin who's always clamming your style; her black lipstick, her black dresses, her strange music, worst of all, you keep seeing her playing with a pocket watch, like she's a witch or something. You've spent your whole making fun of Morgan, and now you are stuck with her again in a family gathering.
As soon as you got off the plane, it was explained to you that Morgan has living in your room, rent free, you'll have to rest in the living room for your stay. Your parents have a strange dazed look on their face. Whenever you ask them a question about Morgan, they would reply in monotone "Morgan is always right" with a dumb grin on their face.
And so you barge into Morgan's room, formerly your room, and demand an explanation. Before you have a chance to speak, Morgan cuts you off and demand you to apologize for your behavior. She found out you've been spreading a rumor about Morgan being a witch, and she blames you for the years of social isolation as a result.
For your punishment, Morgan is going to take your free will away, she's going to turn you into a woman, and there is nothing you can do about it.
She's about to take complete control of your mind and body, and she's going to do so with her enchanted pocket watch. Thinking it was all a cruel joke, you made the mistake of looking at her pocket watch a little too intensely, you made the mistake of listening to her voice to closely, as your mind begins to drift, Morgan's voice begins to erase all thoughts from your brain, and begin to fill it up with Morgan's command.
Morgan's voice made you weak, weak like a girl, weak like a, weak like a submissive girl. Only after a few moments with Morgan, you are rapidly loosing your masculine identity. Soon you realize you are being brainwashed, brainwashed to be Morgan's submissive obedient girl, yet there is nothing you can do but to let it happen.
As Morgan continues to wipe away your male thoughts, feeling and habits, you stood here, helpless being reprogrammed to wear mini skirts, high heels and stockings. She toys with your mind as she made you into a girly girl, with nothing but girly thoughts in your empty and brainwashed mind. From now on, you'll be a submissive girl, you'll love cooking for Morgan, you'll love cleaning for Morgan, you'll love dressing up for Morgan.
You belong to Morgan now. There is no way to escape her enchantment. You see, Morgan was not upset because you made rumors that she was witch, she was only upset that you gave away secret.