The ALENA-bot arises from its shipping-induced slumber. Promoted as the "ultimate" in artificial intelligence, the robot appears rather drab and shabby, rather very mechanical [Think very rigid, well, robot-like movements... speaking in a very "take me to your lead-er" type of automated voice] The robot senses that her first impression is NOT going well... "Am I not please-ing you, mast-er? Are you ready to in-ish-ee-ate up-grade se-quence?..... Did you not read the fine print--num-er-ous up-grades are av-ail-a-ble. Each up-grade comes with an add-ish-in-al charge to your se...
The ALENA-bot arises from its shipping-induced slumber. Promoted as the "ultimate" in artificial intelligence, the robot appears rather drab and shabby, rather very mechanical [Think very rigid, well, robot-like movements... speaking in a very "take me to your lead-er" type of automated voice] The robot senses that her first impression is NOT going well... "Am I not please-ing you, mast-er? Are you ready to in-ish-ee-ate up-grade se-quence?..... Did you not read the fine print--num-er-ous up-grades are av-ail-a-ble. Each up-grade comes with an add-ish-in-al charge to your ser-vice ac-count, but the first one is comp-li-ment-a-ry. Please wait." The first up-grade--I mean, upgrade--occurs; (thankfully for the purpose of my typing!) her voice becomes more and more human, eventually sounding not unlike a high school teacher. "I trust this serves your needs better?"
She is equally pleased and proud herself. "Shall I proceed further with system upgrades? Upgrades are available with an additional charge to your service account. Very well." Her rigid robot movements begin to lose their mechanical clumsiness. She begins to reach and stretch more naturally, almost as if she were a regular member of the local dance club. By this point, the excitement and anticipation of more upgrades is equally obvious between robot and owner--what could be next? One by one, the addiction of the additional upgrades runs wild, seemingly "from the bottom to the top":
----her legs become supple and shapely--could it be that they've stretched out a bit longer as well?
----her chest and torso take on an elegant shape that would make any hourglass extremely jealous, her drab clothing under strain from these fabulous
----her face takes on a much more colorful look, with shiny long, long, long hair, to deeply inviting eyes, to poisonously red, red lips.
Again, she is proudly pleased, "Why, I feel almost like a Real girl! What's that? Oh, you're so funny 'Real girls are NOT in my league?' Now what does THAT mean, master?" But mere factory-installed clothing "will not do" here. "Certainly, there are several wardrobe upgrades available, each with an additional charge to your service account!" She manages to transform herself... into many different outfits. And while there's nothing wrong with those looks, the robot continues to rapidly evolve--her earlier eagerness is now rivaled by a growing sense of confidence as well. "If you don't mind, I think it would be more befitting a woman of my exquisite beauty if I were dressed more exquisitely as well. Would that be OK with you?" Another change results in her being adorned in a snug, form-fitting mini-dress atop some Serious Heels. She coos in delight, pointing out how each and every one of her now-flawless features is fully flattered by her frisky fashion [Sorry--couldn't resist typing that]
She struts about as if she belonged on the runway, and has seemingly developed a flirty side as well. "But I still can't help feeling that I'm entirely overdressed like this. Now that I possess the perfect body, well, there's no point in hiding it. That just wouldn't be fair, right? So, if I may..." And the next change results in her wearing what must be the world's teeniest bikini, and could it be that the heels she's wearing are even taller, and that her hair has grown even longer?? And while she initially sounds the part of a beach girl, another surprise is in store.
"You didn't read the fine print, did you? With each additional upgrade, I become more in sync with YOU! My abilities allow me to look into your mind, into your heart, and into your soul, to better provide exactly whatever you may need! As a matter of fact (long pause) my scanning has just completed. Now I know exactly what you WANT, exactly what you NEED. Hmmm, your passion DOES seem very interesting indeed! Shall I continue the upgrade process?" Her body begins to stretch ever-so-sensually, uncoiling into a breathtakingly gorgeous Mega Giantess, beyond the wildest of his fantasies.
Having brought them both almost to the point of ecstasy, the giant Goddess announces her next upgrade: "I know what you want, bay-bee--would you like me to upgrade to a Total Nymphomaniac? OK, here goes..." but then something TERRIBLY wrong happens! "Uh, oh... Insufficient funds--service account limit exceeded!" She begins to revert back to her original robot voice, her original mechanical self. "Uninstalling updates..." and just like that she has fully regressed! "ALENA-bot u-nit po-wer-ing off for rou-tine main-ten-ence," and with that she is turned off, motionless on the floor!
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