Aquaphilias- Gia Love- She Loves Vintage SCUBA Gear and masturbates Underwater in pool
My Rating:
Category: Underwater Fetish
Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 11/30/2024


The moon had risen high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the backyard, its light reflected in the pool. Gia stood at the edge, her heart pounding with excitement and anticipation as she surveyed her vintage SCUBA gear laid out on the patio table. It was a ritual that she never tired of, the meticulous preparation of her equipment before the dive.
With practiced movements, she strapped on the heavy tank, the familiar weight a comforting presence on her back. She adjusted the straps of her mask, making sure it fit snugly against her face. And then she gripped onto the regulator, letti...

Aquaphilias- Gia Love- She Loves Vintage SCUBA Gear and masturbates Underwater in pool

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