I love stripping my slaves naked and strapping them, hands high, in the big frame. Every bit of pale skin is available to my bullwhip. I grasp the tip of the lash over my shoulders with one hand and pull hard with the other, then release suddenly, the whip explodes against the slave's skin with the sound of a rifle shot. My reputation is; I hit harder than any other dom.
Hear the pain in this slave's voice, agony arising from the core of his body and soul; I slam that hard! And I think you can see in my face the pleasure I take from beating a man black and blue. I've been ...
I love stripping my slaves naked and strapping them, hands high, in the big frame. Every bit of pale skin is available to my bullwhip. I grasp the tip of the lash over my shoulders with one hand and pull hard with the other, then release suddenly, the whip explodes against the slave's skin with the sound of a rifle shot. My reputation is; I hit harder than any other dom.
Hear the pain in this slave's voice, agony arising from the core of his body and soul; I slam that hard! And I think you can see in my face the pleasure I take from beating a man black and blue. I've been ...