Four slaves, stripped nearly naked, bow before me. I am their empress; they are my serfs. Black leather, heavy chains, studded collars and leashes are the order of the day. I stand tall in formal garb, diaphanous black, dramatically corseted and brandishing my huge, round paddle. “Who is going to be my most valuable slave?” I demand and place them ass up to test each with hard swats. The challenge has begun.
Amazingly, I bang their butts so savagely I splinter the brutal paddle at the handle. I substitute the straight, hardwood job that I normally reserve for a recalcitran...
Four slaves, stripped nearly naked, bow before me. I am their empress; they are my serfs. Black leather, heavy chains, studded collars and leashes are the order of the day. I stand tall in formal garb, diaphanous black, dramatically corseted and brandishing my huge, round paddle. “Who is going to be my most valuable slave?” I demand and place them ass up to test each with hard swats. The challenge has begun.
Amazingly, I bang their butts so savagely I splinter the brutal paddle at the handle. I substitute the straight, hardwood job that I normally reserve for a recalcitran...