Oh it's that time again, that time when you pull out your cock and stroke it thinking about me taking control over you. I know you fantasize more about me pissing into your mouth than actually having sex with your loser pigwife. As such it's safe to say I own your cock, and you merely are paying rent to use it. You have a challenge at hand- it's time to up your Amara addiction. You must stroke to the thought of me 3x a day and pay me for that privilege. You also will be sending me a picture of your wife and watch me take a long hot piss on her image- so we're both clear about who's the boss. A...
Oh it's that time again, that time when you pull out your cock and stroke it thinking about me taking control over you. I know you fantasize more about me pissing into your mouth than actually having sex with your loser pigwife. As such it's safe to say I own your cock, and you merely are paying rent to use it. You have a challenge at hand- it's time to up your Amara addiction. You must stroke to the thought of me 3x a day and pay me for that privilege. You also will be sending me a picture of your wife and watch me take a long hot piss on her image- so we're both clear about who's the boss. A...