Reminiscing the past is a good way to point out your future, s|ave. Together with , we will remind you the different reasons why you became a better sub than a year before, why you're a better dick-sucker than 3 months ago, and why being controlled is better than you not having a collar around your neck. Because of us, you are still here, alive and kicking! So take a moment and we will remind of the good things you've experienced with us.
[Video includes lite humiliation, mesmerize, female domination, financi...
Reminiscing the past is a good way to point out your future, s|ave. Together with , we will remind you the different reasons why you became a better sub than a year before, why you're a better dick-sucker than 3 months ago, and why being controlled is better than you not having a collar around your neck. Because of us, you are still here, alive and kicking! So take a moment and we will remind of the good things you've experienced with us.
[Video includes lite humiliation, mesmerize, female domination, financi...