Detective Danielle Trixie returns to her office after another day of searching for the Masked Intruder and finds a box at her desk...the intrepid blonde opens it and discovers a glowing orb it spins and flashes Danielle is placed into a deep trance and stares helpless!! The masked man enters, takes away the orb and strips the sexy detective nude...he shoves her panties into her mouth as a panty gag and ties Danielle up - with a snap of his fingers she becomes aware of her situation and struggles to escape but the Masked Intruder has her in his clu...
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Detective Danielle Trixie returns to her office after another day of searching for the Masked Intruder and finds a box at her desk...the intrepid blonde opens it and discovers a glowing orb it spins and flashes Danielle is placed into a deep trance and stares helpless!! The masked man enters, takes away the orb and strips the sexy detective nude...he shoves her panties into her mouth as a panty gag and ties Danielle up - with a snap of his fingers she becomes aware of her situation and struggles to escape but the Masked Intruder has her in his clu...