Unknown to Detective Danielle Trixie, Special Agent Kerri Taylor has been captured by the Masked Intruder...leaving Kerri to struggle totally nude and hogtied, he sets his eyes on the ultra sexy Christina Carter!! When she steps out of her room, the masked man sees his opportunity, upon Christina's return, the Masked Intruder hand gags her, telling her to do what he says!! The busty detective is to strip nude and panty gag herself!! Bound and defenseless, Christina's naked body is repeatedly manhandled and felt up by her masked captor, taunting the defeated detective while his hands roam all o...
Unknown to Detective Danielle Trixie, Special Agent Kerri Taylor has been captured by the Masked Intruder...leaving Kerri to struggle totally nude and hogtied, he sets his eyes on the ultra sexy Christina Carter!! When she steps out of her room, the masked man sees his opportunity, upon Christina's return, the Masked Intruder hand gags her, telling her to do what he says!! The busty detective is to strip nude and panty gag herself!! Bound and defenseless, Christina's naked body is repeatedly manhandled and felt up by her masked captor, taunting the defeated detective while his hands roam all o...