Unknown to Detective Danielle Trixie, her unusual trap to offer herself a "bait' to lure the Masked Intruder into a trap has already FAILED...he has detective Star knocked_out, nude and bound upstairs and now has his sights set on the chair tied damsel downstairs!! He grabs the blindfolded detective's all natural breasts and squeezes them...after the masked man removes Danielle's panty gag, she screams for Star to descend upon the masked fiend, but he just laughs and takes her upstairs so the two nude detectives can be dealt with as only the Masked Intruder can!! He roughly gropes each blonde ...
Unknown to Detective Danielle Trixie, her unusual trap to offer herself a "bait' to lure the Masked Intruder into a trap has already FAILED...he has detective Star knocked_out, nude and bound upstairs and now has his sights set on the chair tied damsel downstairs!! He grabs the blindfolded detective's all natural breasts and squeezes them...after the masked man removes Danielle's panty gag, she screams for Star to descend upon the masked fiend, but he just laughs and takes her upstairs so the two nude detectives can be dealt with as only the Masked Intruder can!! He roughly gropes each blonde ...