Determined to bring the Masked Intruder to justice, Detective Danielle Trixie has employed sexy Bounty Hunter Mia Alania to assist...confident in her skills, Mia goes it alone, and has tracked the masked man to his new hide out. The curvy bounty hunter enters his lair slowly and searches for the sneaky fiend, but she's the one who is in danger...the Masked Intruder grabs Mia by surprise and wrestles her into bondage!! Bound and humiliated to be the Masked Intruder's hostage, Mia talks tough, but a ball gag silences her as the masked man begins to feel up his newest damsel...he uses scissors to...
Determined to bring the Masked Intruder to justice, Detective Danielle Trixie has employed sexy Bounty Hunter Mia Alania to assist...confident in her skills, Mia goes it alone, and has tracked the masked man to his new hide out. The curvy bounty hunter enters his lair slowly and searches for the sneaky fiend, but she's the one who is in danger...the Masked Intruder grabs Mia by surprise and wrestles her into bondage!! Bound and humiliated to be the Masked Intruder's hostage, Mia talks tough, but a ball gag silences her as the masked man begins to feel up his newest damsel...he uses scissors to...