These are the perilous adventures of Detective Danielle Trixie, her mission, to bring a masked man that ties up beautiful women to justice...Her first case was to gather evidence on his whereabouts, the sexy blonde was sent to his last known location. Danielle didn't know she was walking into a trap and now the blonde detective is at the mercy of the Masked Intruder!! He Danielle to strip to her thong, and binds the sexy blonde to a chair...totally helpless and naked, Danielle is left to wonder what will happen to her!! ** Note: Larger file and format 640x480 ** (Feedback: rayandrews@bondagesu...
These are the perilous adventures of Detective Danielle Trixie, her mission, to bring a masked man that ties up beautiful women to justice...Her first case was to gather evidence on his whereabouts, the sexy blonde was sent to his last known location. Danielle didn't know she was walking into a trap and now the blonde detective is at the mercy of the Masked Intruder!! He Danielle to strip to her thong, and binds the sexy blonde to a chair...totally helpless and naked, Danielle is left to wonder what will happen to her!! ** Note: Larger file and format 640x480 ** (Feedback: rayandrews@bondagesu...