Detective Danielle Trixie has placed fellow detective Ashley Alexis Grace and Bounty Hunter Hollywood as hotel security for a bikini modeling convention at a local hotel...she knows her nemesis, the Masked Intruder, can not resist the temptation of hundreds of sexy bikini models to tie up. As the blonde detective finalizes her plans with Ashley Alexis, she's suddenly attacked by the masked man...he Danielle to strip off her panties and panty gag herself while he ties her up...taking his hostage to the storage room, he strips Danielle naked and learns of her plan to capture him...the masked fie...
Detective Danielle Trixie has placed fellow detective Ashley Alexis Grace and Bounty Hunter Hollywood as hotel security for a bikini modeling convention at a local hotel...she knows her nemesis, the Masked Intruder, can not resist the temptation of hundreds of sexy bikini models to tie up. As the blonde detective finalizes her plans with Ashley Alexis, she's suddenly attacked by the masked man...he Danielle to strip off her panties and panty gag herself while he ties her up...taking his hostage to the storage room, he strips Danielle naked and learns of her plan to capture him...the masked fie...