Racing to a secluded condemned building, Detective Danielle Trixie arrives before her partner, Detective Emily, and knows time is short if she wants to capture the Masked Intruder, and decides goes after him alone...stripping to her pantyhose the hot blonde detective begins her search. Danielle knows she must be careful, getting captured, tied up and fondled again is the last thing she wants to happen, but to her dismay, the masked fiend hand gags her and leads her into another room!! Bound and helpless, Danielle demands to be released, but the Masked Intruder has other plans for the feisty da...
Racing to a secluded condemned building, Detective Danielle Trixie arrives before her partner, Detective Emily, and knows time is short if she wants to capture the Masked Intruder, and decides goes after him alone...stripping to her pantyhose the hot blonde detective begins her search. Danielle knows she must be careful, getting captured, tied up and fondled again is the last thing she wants to happen, but to her dismay, the masked fiend hand gags her and leads her into another room!! Bound and helpless, Danielle demands to be released, but the Masked Intruder has other plans for the feisty da...