Detective Danielle Trixie has requested assistance from tough New York City detective Jade Indica...the hot blonde arrives at the last known location of the Masked Intruder, while Jade follows up on a lead she got from one of her sources, but finds nothing. Danielle strips nude and searches the dark, abandoned warehouse alone...the naked detective walks slowly through each room, knowing danger might be lurking around every corned!! The Masked Intruder is there, and waits for his opportunity to strike...he finds Danielle's panties and picks them up to use as a panty Danielle carefully ...
Detective Danielle Trixie has requested assistance from tough New York City detective Jade Indica...the hot blonde arrives at the last known location of the Masked Intruder, while Jade follows up on a lead she got from one of her sources, but finds nothing. Danielle strips nude and searches the dark, abandoned warehouse alone...the naked detective walks slowly through each room, knowing danger might be lurking around every corned!! The Masked Intruder is there, and waits for his opportunity to strike...he finds Danielle's panties and picks them up to use as a panty Danielle carefully ...