My master came up with an amazing new idea. He instructed me to get into my latex dildo pants to fill my ass and pussy and wear a nice latex outfit. I should be prepared for some amputee pretending - but this time different to the sessions before...
Sitting with my right leg bent on the chair, I can imagine what he plans, as everything is prepared already. It doesn't take lone when my master starts to put my leg stump into a cast. I am thrilled from the tight plaster bandages on my amputee stump. It takes only minutes to feel that the cast starts to solidify.
But my master is not done with his...
My master came up with an amazing new idea. He instructed me to get into my latex dildo pants to fill my ass and pussy and wear a nice latex outfit. I should be prepared for some amputee pretending - but this time different to the sessions before...
Sitting with my right leg bent on the chair, I can imagine what he plans, as everything is prepared already. It doesn't take lone when my master starts to put my leg stump into a cast. I am thrilled from the tight plaster bandages on my amputee stump. It takes only minutes to feel that the cast starts to solidify.
But my master is not done with his...