This clip is a slight departure from our usual presentation format. Quite simply Evy is in Cecelia’s office as she has been in her absence interacting with her step-sister in Washington and basically filling the role of secretary for the interim. Evy is sitting at a wall desk setup, cross referencing doing reading work for Cecelia and is sitting higher up in her chair for ease of reach and comfort. Like a news reporter on TV Evy tried the cock box and it was a tad too high but found that the carpet himself was the perfect footrest height. So, with an old office binder, a kitchen utensil and...
This clip is a slight departure from our usual presentation format. Quite simply Evy is in Cecelia’s office as she has been in her absence interacting with her step-sister in Washington and basically filling the role of secretary for the interim. Evy is sitting at a wall desk setup, cross referencing doing reading work for Cecelia and is sitting higher up in her chair for ease of reach and comfort. Like a news reporter on TV Evy tried the cock box and it was a tad too high but found that the carpet himself was the perfect footrest height. So, with an old office binder, a kitchen utensil and electrical tape the carpet was tasked with making a makeshift cock box-type platform for Evy's continued dredge of sitting and dredging through text after her lunch. The result is this clip which was filmed on Evy’s phone and was a last-minute thought at that, and is fully nude and restrained male being used as a female secretary’s office mat behind her desk. Unlike our other clips, the carpet’s user is sitting the entire time. Evy does stand and leave the office a couple of times and steps on the carpet and she leaves and returns to sit, but other than that the carpet is merely a shoe/footrest who’s existence goes no further than the amount of comfort he provides for Evelyn. With that in mind, Evelyn, as she would in any situation is all about comfort and does not confine nor really concern herself with the carpet’s awaiting pecker but also uses his torso below his ribcage as something nice to rest her feet on, which makes for very deep and well pronounced heel imprints along with some tickled internal organs beneath Evelyns 4-inch heels. The carpet’s cock gets it the most however and is routinely skewered by one or both or Evy’s heels and her seated rested leg weight. It's definitely a slower clip, as she may hold a position for some 20-30 seconds as she focuses on what she’s reading with absolutely no thought of the carpet beneath her shoes, while other times Evy does give the carpet a bit of attention as when she puts the soles of both heels squarely on his fairly fluffed cock and leans her weight forward and performs a “twist” routine on her swiveled chair, or when she “shushes” the carpet prior to answering a ringing phone then deliberately drives both heels deep into his cock as she sits and handles business. After her second “twist” it looks as if the carpet nears orgasm with his twitches and the bead of precum that strings from the carpet as Evy’s shoe sole but his release is squelched by a giggle as Evy’s stops before climaxing her footstool. As a side note- Evy does answer the phone three times over the course of the clip which we silenced as to not disclose any proper business or personal names. However, among the small amount of Evy’s faint thinking out loud, there is some small interaction with the carpet as Evy rhetorically asks if how she is sitting is “uncomfortable” or comments on how the carpet is comfortable as a sitting foot platform at this particular desk and the like. This is a very long clip which we will set at the lowest price point allowable as the larger or longer the clip the more maneuvering can be done which is nice for customers as well as producers which is another reason why we at CCnSJ’s feel Clips4Sale is a fantastic platform to work with... but this is a long clip. We will also load the largest possible preview for the clip so anyone interested can get as full of an idea of content as possible before purchasing. We did however keep the content we have (the good and bad) as raw and pure as possible to preserve the overall reality vibe going on. We mention bad- there is no bad really but one part where Evy is randomly stomping her foot down but is just missing the carpet’s pecker which is nestled between the sole and heel when her shoe comes down as she is going completely by feel but does not divert her train of thought from her work and can’t see down through her legs if she did. Never the less, a little bit of a different feel than our usual stuff but a lot of really nice cock crushing and torso poking as the carpet expands his usefulness in this long and impromptu clip. Running time is 12 minutes and 34 seconds.