After 4 weeks of living and traveling with her lesbian lover, the Madame Chang, that started with a single night at Cecelia’s before moving on to 5 cities across the U.S., the happenings in this clip were a large portion of Cecelia’s first full day back home. Brutal is an understatement as Cecelia, uncharacteristically, was out to do real, measurable and meaningful damage to the carpet’s genitals and to do so with no remorse. In fact, not only does Cecelia rhetorically ask the carpet if he “would like her to stomp on his dick?” with her, zipper-backed, gray leather platform wedge sandals- ...
After 4 weeks of living and traveling with her lesbian lover, the Madame Chang, that started with a single night at Cecelia’s before moving on to 5 cities across the U.S., the happenings in this clip were a large portion of Cecelia’s first full day back home. Brutal is an understatement as Cecelia, uncharacteristically, was out to do real, measurable and meaningful damage to the carpet’s genitals and to do so with no remorse. In fact, not only does Cecelia rhetorically ask the carpet if he “would like her to stomp on his dick?” with her, zipper-backed, gray leather platform wedge sandals- she does so, and at massive and severe cost to the carpet. His cock will be pulverized, his balls will be crushed- stood on, stomped, marched on and humiliated beneath the soles of Cecelia’s very sexy higher end wedges. The fun starts immediately as Cecelia steps up, positions herself and drops seven stomps squarely across the carpet’s semi fluffed cock shaft. His legs jump, his pecker flails, and following the seventh stomp, Cecelia keeps her foot where it landed, shifts her full weight over to the carpet’s pinned and flattened pecker as she proceeds to mash his cock head flat beneath the twisting sole of her other shoe. The carpet’s balls bulge out from beneath the sole of the shoe on Cecelia’s weight-bearing foot but Cecelia continues on- grinding down viciously. She finally lifts her foot off the carpet’s cock head but only to continue stomping down again on the carpet’s now slightly less-firm pecker. Another dozen brutal stomps drop, and land everywhere from the tip of the carpet’s dick to his nut sac turning his flesh a swollen pinkish red mush. Cecelia then turns her foot lengthwise and stands full weight along the length of the carpet’s package. Her heel bulges his balls as there crushed while the sole of her shoe balances on and flattens his entire pecker to mere millimeters. “Like the weight that goes on that?” asks Cecelia rhetorically and sarcastically as she refers to another comment made before the clip portion began. She does her best to balance on the carpet like a tightrope- replacing her foot when his meat or nuts collapse swaying her foot and throwing her balance off. But Cecelia tries and tries again and even bounces on the carpet with a single foot lengthwise in an attempt to truly inflict damage. The segment only stops when the carpet’s dry lips smack as he struggles to hold back a moan. Cecelia casually steps off and turns her heels to the camera where she immediately begins a nasty two heel march. The carpet’s balls get the right and his cock head gets the left and this is where the intense damage begins. Multiple times Cecelia steps on the carpet’s cock head completely flattening it beneath the heel tap of her shoe and obviously causing the carpet intense pain. Noticing the carpet’s cockhead is is precariously place, Cecelia kindly straightens it out before continuing with her march. Continuing to stand on his white and pink hued nut sac with her right, Cecelia proceeds to stomp the carpet’s cock head and shaft beneath the ball of her left foot- over and over again. Seriously brutal stuff. She then turns her left out and with the heel directly on the carpet’s wounded cockhead, shifts her weight to that foot as she lifts the other up and off the box and the carpet’s balls, leaving an actual heels shaped dent in his discolored testicle. Cecelia also referred to how sticky her shoes were and how dirty the floor at a blues bar she visited late the night before was during her random comments at filming outset. As Cecelia bounces on her single foot we get to see that dirt and grime she spoke of as she exposes the sole of her right foot while she bounces- which shoe fetishists will appreciate. Taking one more shot at smashing as much as she can at once, Cecelia again stands lengthwise on what’s left of the carpet and while balancing, does her best to bounce as much weight as she can down before stepping off his flattened mess and casually walking off the back of the cock box marking the end of this fantastic welcome back-sort of clip. Running time is 6 minutes and 14 seconds.