It's so pathetic! I mean did you always dream your sex-life would actually come to this? Blushing with shame as you're about to hump a pillow for a beautiful girl. This must be truly humiliating for you - you're going to hump a fucking pillow for me. And you know I'm going to be laughing at you the whole fucking time don't you? You know you're going to have to hump your way through the sound of a too-good-for you bratty Princess laughing, calling you names, making fun of you and making this experience as crushingly humiliating as possible? You know this is going to destroy every shred of di...
It's so pathetic! I mean did you always dream your sex-life would actually come to this? Blushing with shame as you're about to hump a pillow for a beautiful girl. This must be truly humiliating for you - you're going to hump a fucking pillow for me. And you know I'm going to be laughing at you the whole fucking time don't you? You know you're going to have to hump your way through the sound of a too-good-for you bratty Princess laughing, calling you names, making fun of you and making this experience as crushingly humiliating as possible? You know this is going to destroy every shred of dignity you have, right? Humping a pillow for a girl - not jerking off, not getting you cock sucked, not having actual sex like a normal person - nope you're gonna be humping a pillow and getting totally humiliated too.
So go on, pillow-pumper! Get down on your pillow and push your humpy-boner into it for me. Show me how you're gonna fuck that pillow! Show the hot-girl Princess you wish you could fuck instead of that pillow just how good you are at HUMPING!. How totally pathetic do you feel right now? The hottest girl you'd so desperately want to fuck is supervising your humiliating pillow-humping predicament. Can you even guess what I'm actually thinking of you right now - humping a fucking pillow hahaha! I think you look like such a fool. Do you think you'd ever have a chance with me or ANY girl now? I'm gonna humiliate you so bad for this that you wouldn't even dare look another girl in the eye ever again. Hump your pillow virginboi. Hump it while I watch and laugh at you, loser!
Haha! You show that pillow whose boss! Pretend it's me you're fucking - I wanna see how you'd try to fuck a girl like me. Haha! That's it pillow-fucker - show me how good you are at humping your pillow and I might let you fuck me afterwards! Impress me you pillow-humping loser. Maybe I should get all my girlfriends over here so you can impress all of them too huhl? Haha! I don't think you can even impress that icky cum-soaked pillow let alone an actual girl! This is your sex-life loser - this is all you get - it's pillow-sex only - no girls for you ever again - your sex-life is humping your own pillow in front of bratty mean girls like me. Keep humping it, loser - I want to see you cum all over that fucking pillow!