Ditria is lying back on her bed, all stretched out, since returning home from the gym. She sighs to herself, attempting to cool down and regain her breath yet as her adrenaline is still pumping considering it wasn't a far drive, paired with how determined she was to nail down her new routine. All of a sudden, roommate Zwyx comes in and comments on how Ditria wasn't gone all that long, having no idea where she went but taking note of just out breathless and out of it she appears. She informs him that it was leg day and how she worked herself hard - he must agree, although not having seen suc...
Ditria is lying back on her bed, all stretched out, since returning home from the gym. She sighs to herself, attempting to cool down and regain her breath yet as her adrenaline is still pumping considering it wasn't a far drive, paired with how determined she was to nail down her new routine. All of a sudden, roommate Zwyx comes in and comments on how Ditria wasn't gone all that long, having no idea where she went but taking note of just out breathless and out of it she appears. She informs him that it was leg day and how she worked herself hard - he must agree, although not having seen such himself, because he comments on the sheen of her body - the way it's slicked with sweat.
That's when he asks her if he could possibly have a sniff, in order to see what a "good workout" smells like. Ditria thinks that she doesn't quite hear him clearly at first, and so when he repeats such, she asks him if he's serious... he's GOT to be joking! I mean really... who wants a whiff of that?! She did put on deodorant, but even so... if she did manage to sweat through it at all, that's gotta be something ripe. Gross! Regardless, Zwyx continues to insist. Ditria now has to wonder if /he's/ the reason she's been coming up with socks that are no longer a pair... never to find their match again.
He gets her so riled up, though disgusted at the same time, she feels the need to bully him and instead, make him see just how strong her arms are since he wants to keep mentioning how she's only done legs today! And, she does... Ditria pulls at pulls at poor Zwyx's underwear, even pulling his shorts down around his thighs so that she can get a good look at the way the material is straining between his cheeks! That's when they begin to rip, and though Zwyx gets red in the face, he only persists. He must know he's going to have to deal with Ditria's wrath at this point anyway, since he keeps pushing her further and further - grabbing her socks, her shoes... and even making headway beneath her pit once again. The two battle, Zwyx still wanting to have her sweet pheromones within his nostrils, Ditria wedgy-ing him so relentlessly that he ends up falling off of the bed whilst still getting his britches pulled!
It's almost as if they're battling one another - to see who can push the other further while they both get what they want - though Ditria /does/ notice what Zwyx is up to and pries each and every attempt out of his grimy hands and his underwear further up his ass!