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Ditria wakes up in a space that's clearly no longer her room. Although she states that she had a good rest, she's about to have a very rude awakening! As she tries and has failure after failure of attempting to get her body in a more upright position to stretch and wake up, she slowly begins to realize that not only does her body feel stiff... but she has way less mobility of it, namely her arms! This is what initially catches her off guard, so she decides to have a look around. Immediately, she's startled... what is this place?! ...
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Ditria wakes up in a space that's clearly no longer her room. Although she states that she had a good rest, she's about to have a very rude awakening! As she tries and has failure after failure of attempting to get her body in a more upright position to stretch and wake up, she slowly begins to realize that not only does her body feel stiff... but she has way less mobility of it, namely her arms! This is what initially catches her off guard, so she decides to have a look around. Immediately, she's startled... what is this place?! Why is it so barren? Why is there a bed in the middle of the room that's filthy with super wrinkled sheets, that are only getting worse as her feet pick up dirt from the floor and track it around whilst she struggles? How come there's a chair in the corner - are they planning on keeping watch of her during the night? What is the straightjacket for?
Ditria's mind begins to ponder every single possibility as to what could be happening, to herself and aloud, while she attempts to get herself out of the straightjacket, and hopefully this room... before anyone else comes in to show her exactly what it's all about. She thrashes about inside of it, stands up to maybe get the crotch straps with her feet/toes... lays back down to possibly get a better vantage point... none of it proves to a worthwhile course of action. Then, it comes to her... Ditria's ex must have made the call to get her in here! She knew he had her dream journal full of wild, prophetic-like (to her) retellings of what she'd experienced whilst out some nights while they were together, then brought it with him once they'd broken up. These dreams would've driven anyone mad... sometimes, she'd even keep herself up all night via numerous methods just so that she could ward them off for a little bit longer. Of course, she'd eventually crash, but it stalled the life-like workings of her subconscious for hours, which to her, was a positive thing with what they put her through.
Ditria, trying to talk to someone, anyone that might be off-screen... in another level of the building... calls out and does her best to catch their attention. She'd really like some answers, or any viable reason to ger herself out of this place...
However, the more time that passes and the longer she's left to her own devices, the further her mental becomes susceptible to its underpinnings that always just a panic attack away. Ditria begins to mumble, talking to herself, talking aloud to anything or anyone... even a chair that she's convinced someone is now in, although empty. Is Ditria crazy... or not?