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Ella Babysits Classmate Chloe
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Ella is hired to by Chloe's Step-Mommy to babysit her... little does she know, her charge is a bit bigger of a baby than she's expecting! In fact, baby Chloe is a classmate of Ella's. When she steps in the nursery, she finds little Chloe coloring on the floor in a purple Molicare and cute baby top.

After her initial shock and teasing, Chloe is overdue for a diaper change, so Ella lays her down in front of her. Carefully untaping, she pulls the diaper from Chloe's pussy and gently cleans her with a baby wipe. She makes sure to use lots of powder before tightly taping her in a new, t...

Ella Babysits Classmate Chloe

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