I was at the store, and saw these cute little loons! I simply had to get them...For the pure pleasure of popping then! % of these youthful little loons, lost their lives! It was so much fun~blowint the finger size loons to the size of grapefruits, and then taking them in my hand, and popping them with my nails....poor little loons-nothing but torn pieces of balloons guts left. heheheh ohhh that was so fun!
I was at the store, and saw these cute little loons! I simply had to get them...For the pure pleasure of popping then! % of these youthful little loons, lost their lives! It was so much fun~blowint the finger size loons to the size of grapefruits, and then taking them in my hand, and popping them with my nails....poor little loons-nothing but torn pieces of balloons guts left. heheheh ohhh that was so fun!