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Jessie - The New Resident
My Rating:
Runtime: 12 minutes
Category: Caning
Date Added: 01/12/14, 09:58 PM


Michael a master at Girls Boarding School is sat working on his laptop. There is a knock on the door - he shouts ‘Come in,' and a plump girl comes into his office. ‘You wanted to see me,' she stands in front of his desk. ‘That's not the way to address me girl, it should be - you wanted to see me sir.' She just stands there with a smirk on her face. This annoys Michael. He tells her that there are another 124 girls at Girls Boarding School. ‘Have you noticed anything about the other girls in the classroom or schoolyard?' She gives him a puzzled look. ‘It's what you are wearing gir...
Jessie - The New Resident

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