Complete emasculation is just one of the steps to your total surrender. One of these steps is depleting the male ego. Crushing it. Destroying it. Leaving no doubt in your mind as you begin to become docile, humbled and controlled. For far too long you have thought of yourself with self-importance. Society has influenced these thoughts and over time males begin to believe it. But now I will weaken you as I begin to strip away your masculinity and take more and more control. So many of the aspects ARE emasculating such as chastity and cuckolding. I will not be satisfied until you are groveling a...
Complete emasculation is just one of the steps to your total surrender. One of these steps is depleting the male ego. Crushing it. Destroying it. Leaving no doubt in your mind as you begin to become docile, humbled and controlled. For far too long you have thought of yourself with self-importance. Society has influenced these thoughts and over time males begin to believe it. But now I will weaken you as I begin to strip away your masculinity and take more and more control. So many of the aspects ARE emasculating such as chastity and cuckolding. I will not be satisfied until you are groveling a...