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When i got home from school my step-mom told me that my aunt Jasmin needed me to come over and do some work around the house for her. when i got there i didn't see my uncles car in the driveway so i figured he was still at work. my aunt was relaxing in the living room when i walked in, she said high and told me to have a seat. we made some small talk and then she started tell me about the problems her and my uncle had been having trying to get pregnant. she mentioned my uncles low sperm count and how he was to proud to take pill or and want the to look like him so he wouldn't adopt. then sh...
When i got home from school my step-mom told me that my aunt Jasmin needed me to come over and do some work around the house for her. when i got there i didn't see my uncles car in the driveway so i figured he was still at work. my aunt was relaxing in the living room when i walked in, she said high and told me to have a seat. we made some small talk and then she started tell me about the problems her and my uncle had been having trying to get pregnant. she mentioned my uncles low sperm count and how he was to proud to take pill or and want the to look like him so he wouldn't adopt. then sh...
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