VIDEO FOOTAGE RECOVERED SHOWING AMAZING OUTDOOR STREET FIGHT WITH BOTH WOMEN RIPPING EACH OTHER'S TOPS OFF. Jordana Leigh is faking a leg injury to skip out of work at a New Jersey prison; and in this footage, another staff member spots her outside the prison "struggling" to walk down the street outside the prison on her crutches, - when all of a sudden, this much taller, big boob black woman in overalls purposely bumps into her while walking down the street from the opposite direction. Jordana falls to the ground in disbelief, and the black offers her a hand to get up. Instead of getting her ...
VIDEO FOOTAGE RECOVERED SHOWING AMAZING OUTDOOR STREET FIGHT WITH BOTH WOMEN RIPPING EACH OTHER'S TOPS OFF. Jordana Leigh is faking a leg injury to skip out of work at a New Jersey prison; and in this footage, another staff member spots her outside the prison "struggling" to walk down the street outside the prison on her crutches, - when all of a sudden, this much taller, big boob black woman in overalls purposely bumps into her while walking down the street from the opposite direction. Jordana falls to the ground in disbelief, and the black offers her a hand to get up. Instead of getting her ...