Vanessa's bad breath domination pov - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa
My Rating:
Category: Bad Breath
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 7/19/2023


Vanessa woke up, went to the beach for a while and now she's back home. She's watching tv, and there are no good shows or movies on so she's quite bored. As she is biting her lips, she notices how rough her teeth are. It's bothering her, they are incredibly dirty. She tells you that she needs to "brush her teeth more often" as she realizes that she has not brushed her teeth and tongue in a while. She decides to lick her arm and show you how disgusting it is...

As soon as you smell her saliva on her arm... you're hooked. You want more. Your dick needs more. You start to have a bette...

Vanessa's bad breath domination pov - Lalo Cortez and Vanessa

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