On the ground, desperately trying seeking the attention of the Giant...Chasing him around, dodging his giant foot steps, you go unnoticed. No matter how loud you scream, how high you jump, it's not enough. Don't worry, your last moment on earth will be a happy one..The Giant man finally sees you...oh the joy! But before you know it,,Squish, your tiny bones crack under his Giant foot! He might have thought you were a bug, but I doubt that!
On the ground, desperately trying seeking the attention of the Giant...Chasing him around, dodging his giant foot steps, you go unnoticed. No matter how loud you scream, how high you jump, it's not enough. Don't worry, your last moment on earth will be a happy one..The Giant man finally sees you...oh the joy! But before you know it,,Squish, your tiny bones crack under his Giant foot! He might have thought you were a bug, but I doubt that!