I was supposed to be in bed, but in the middle of the night I woke up STARVING! I seriously wanted to eat all the food in the house! Luckily we had a whole bunch of junk for me to gorge on...everything from caramel chocolate cakes, rice crispy squares and two huge sheet cakes! When I finished I was so stuffed I could hardly waddle back to bed! I measure my flat tummy before and after my GIANT binge and the difference is staggering!
I was supposed to be in bed, but in the middle of the night I woke up STARVING! I seriously wanted to eat all the food in the house! Luckily we had a whole bunch of junk for me to gorge on...everything from caramel chocolate cakes, rice crispy squares and two huge sheet cakes! When I finished I was so stuffed I could hardly waddle back to bed! I measure my flat tummy before and after my GIANT binge and the difference is staggering!