I have been given this amazing chance to go on a height growth trial i don't have time to say goodbye to you so i video call you and tell you all about it, i am only 5ft and they have promised i should grow to at least 5 ft nine inches which is my ideal dream height, i check in with you everyday but as the week goes by i am not growing taller at all, instead my small tits are growing into big tits, first i get a cleavage that i have never had before then get them poking out its awful, the doctor is making a new batch of tablets so hopefully everything will even out once i get taller.
I have been given this amazing chance to go on a height growth trial i don't have time to say goodbye to you so i video call you and tell you all about it, i am only 5ft and they have promised i should grow to at least 5 ft nine inches which is my ideal dream height, i check in with you everyday but as the week goes by i am not growing taller at all, instead my small tits are growing into big tits, first i get a cleavage that i have never had before then get them poking out its awful, the doctor is making a new batch of tablets so hopefully everything will even out once i get taller.