Yvette Term SLC Autumn Gimp Leaf Challenge with Foot Play
My Rating:
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 9/26/2019


Constantly casted Yvette is taking a little gimp/hike in the park in her short-shorts wearing one sturdy boot and her very squeaky plastic cast sandal on her cast foot. It's Autumn and her hike is punctuated by stops to pull the dried leaves that get between her sandal and underside of her exposed cast foot before they get stuck in her cast. She finds a bench to play with the leaves that have gotten caught in her sandal, pull her cast sandal off, wiggle and clean off her long exposed toes. There are lots and lots of cast foot closeups form a variety of angles as she sits on the bench and pr...

Yvette Term SLC Autumn Gimp Leaf Challenge with Foot Play

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