I have several large red, white, and blue balloons filled with helium. Some are tied down in the middle of the floor and some are tied to my wrist. I tell you a story about what happened at the 4th of July balloon party I attended. I playfully squeak and smack the balloons around while I'm telling you about a man I met at the party who I caught trying to sneak and collect all the balloons. Now we can't have that. Find out what happened to his lovely balloons. ***story video/lots of talking***
I have several large red, white, and blue balloons filled with helium. Some are tied down in the middle of the floor and some are tied to my wrist. I tell you a story about what happened at the 4th of July balloon party I attended. I playfully squeak and smack the balloons around while I'm telling you about a man I met at the party who I caught trying to sneak and collect all the balloons. Now we can't have that. Find out what happened to his lovely balloons. ***story video/lots of talking***