This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at the address above! Featuring Luna Lain!
Hello drone. I am your queen and it is time to explain your purpose. You come from me because I gave you life and I can easily take it away. It is your duty to take care of my needs and whims.
Every wish and command must be done and you have no choice. How could you resist worshipping my body? When it is time to mate, I will take your seed and implant it in myself. When I lay my eggs, you will be my victim as our young feed on you. They will grow st...
This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at the address above! Featuring Luna Lain!
Hello drone. I am your queen and it is time to explain your purpose. You come from me because I gave you life and I can easily take it away. It is your duty to take care of my needs and whims.
Every wish and command must be done and you have no choice. How could you resist worshipping my body? When it is time to mate, I will take your seed and implant it in myself. When I lay my eggs, you will be my victim as our young feed on you. They will grow st...