Story: Vonka is sick of Keri constantly flaunting her new breast implants that can inflate whenever she wants. She simply connects a tube under her shirt and blows, making her tits as big as she wants. She constantly pumps herself up to get all the attention at parties, out and about, even with her boyfriends continuing to seduce them with her growing tits. So Vonka hatches a plan - she's going to trick her into blowing her tits up so big that she pops by telling her she saw some girl (who doesn't exist) that had continually bigger breasts than she does. So next time they are hanging out, V...
Story: Vonka is sick of Keri constantly flaunting her new breast implants that can inflate whenever she wants. She simply connects a tube under her shirt and blows, making her tits as big as she wants. She constantly pumps herself up to get all the attention at parties, out and about, even with her boyfriends continuing to seduce them with her growing tits. So Vonka hatches a plan - she's going to trick her into blowing her tits up so big that she pops by telling her she saw some girl (who doesn't exist) that had continually bigger breasts than she does. So next time they are hanging out, Vonka tells Keri that she saw this girl at the last party with the biggest tits she's ever seen - even bigger than Keri. She even thinks she saw Keri's boyfriend stolen as this girl was even bigger than she'd ever seen Keri get before. In a fit of jealousy, Keri shoves the hose down her shirt (as if it connects to her breasts) and starts to blow hard to start to pump her boobs up, her cheeks puffing out each time she blows. Her breasts get a little bigger and then stop, she must be bigger than that girl by now. But Vonka says no way, she was way bigger and describes how huge that girl was. Keri says fine! and pumps more air into her tits, stopping again after getting even bigger. Keri says I must be bigger than her now! Yet again, Vonka says she was even bigger than that, she had tits the size of basketballs, maybe even bigger than that. This back and forth keeps going until Keri says Fine, I'll blow myself up so huge - I'll have the biggest tits in the world!; She blows more and more air into her boobs and blows up to her biggest size. She's worried about bursting as her skin starts to creak but she keeps pumping herself up bigger and bigger. until finally, she gives in at her biggest size. She says any more air pumped into her, she might burst. The amount of air in her gigantic tits has made her unable to reach around them or even get up with how dense the air is. Also, she hasn't noticed but the hose falls out of her sight due to her huge tits obscuring her view. Vonka then says Actually, you're still not big enough - she was the size of a huge blimp, let's see if you can get those huge balloons even bigger than blimps! Keri protests that she can't be any bigger but that doesn't deter Vonka from grabbing the hose and blowing into it - making Keri's tits groan and creek as they start to overinflate. Keri pleads with her to stop blowing her up, she's at her limit and too huge, she might explode. Vonkastops and taunts her about her huge tits, she always wanted them bigger than everyone so she keeps blowing. Keri begs and pleads to stop as she's now much past the limit of her implants - all the while Vonka is taunting her about her boob greed and what happens when you blow up a balloon too big! Keri's huge blimp tits push up against her chin and now even her cheeks puff out as there's nowhere else for the air to go (she stays with her cheeks puffed out the rest of the clip) as she gets too big and she can't take another ounce of air. She shakes her head and motions with her hands for Vonka to stop while whimpering through her puffed-up cheeks. Vonka finally says "You wanted to be the biggest, be careful what you ask for! Bye bye blimp tits!" and then Vonka blows one more time and Keri pops like an overinflated balloon! (a fade to black is fine here or a cut to like "clothes dropping to simulate her popping and disappearing is also great!)