Attire: red latex
Ideas for statements that will play over and over on a loops as I sit in Solitary Confinement..... Here you sit Staring at what? Your Life. Blank walls. You are a Loser asshole! Not only are you a loser but you have gotten off on being a loser all your life.
You are looking at me with no laughter you tell me to get into the padded cell. You tell me to memorize each squeeze of your ass. Because once I enter Solitary Confinement I will see Nothing but Blank walls, I will jack off to Blank walls and your voic...
Custom Clip // No names mentioned
Attire: red latex
Ideas for statements that will play over and over on a loops as I sit in Solitary Confinement..... Here you sit Staring at what? Your Life. Blank walls. You are a Loser asshole! Not only are you a loser but you have gotten off on being a loser all your life.
You are looking at me with no laughter you tell me to get into the padded cell. You tell me to memorize each squeeze of your ass. Because once I enter Solitary Confinement I will see Nothing but Blank walls, I will jack off to Blank walls and your voic...