(There is a short 5 sec glitch in video stream, so I have adjusted the price lower)
Seriously? Another one of your stupid ass nerdy toys? This is enough. I've had enough of your bullshit toys. You apparently aren't getting the message that I do NOT like nerdy toys. So, perhaps another one of my video messages will help you understand...
I start it off nice and sweet, expressing how we don't get to spend a lot of time together. So I like to send you video messages every now and them. My tone changes lightening fast. I'm fucking pissed off! I explain how I hate ...
(There is a short 5 sec glitch in video stream, so I have adjusted the price lower)
Seriously? Another one of your stupid ass nerdy toys? This is enough. I've had enough of your bullshit toys. You apparently aren't getting the message that I do NOT like nerdy toys. So, perhaps another one of my video messages will help you understand...
I start it off nice and sweet, expressing how we don't get to spend a lot of time together. So I like to send you video messages every now and them. My tone changes lightening fast. I'm fucking pissed off! I explain how I hate boys who play with nerdy toys. You have a hot girl friend right in front of you every day, but for some reason you'd rather play with dumb ass toys? I tripped over your little transformer toy, so it's MINE now! Any man would rather play with me over this stupid ass plastic piece of junk toy. Did you get it for yourself as a gift? Have you played with it yet? I'm going to show you what it"s worth to me. So take a nice look at it one last time. Watch me as I twist and break its foot off. I spread its stupid legs apart, seeing how flexible this transformer is. Whoops...little by little, I'm going to turn your stupid toy into trash. What junk! You want to play with nerdy toys? Well, I want to play with them, too! But, MY way! It"s just tearing you apart inside watching me twist and break off pieces of your toy. Are you crying yet? Sure, it's called a transformer, but it surely wasn't meant to transform into what I've done to it. Well, I play with real toys. And you know what that means! My high powered drill is about to have its way with your stupid toy. Now that's what I call fun! Laughing the entire time! I love the smell of my tools grinding through your dumb toys! I grab my hammer and pound on it, pieces of it flying around the room. You should have been smarter! This is the last message you're going to get from me. Because I don't like nerdy boys who play with fuckin stupid toys! I pile its pieces into the box, and you know what's coming. Before I take it out to the trash pile, I make sure you will not be able to retrieve it. Up in flames it goes! Ohhh, the smell of burnt plastic and rubber tires! You might find a screw or two from it left over if you go check the burn pile outside. HAHAHHAHA!!!