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Casey Guinea Pig Incident CPR, Resus, Defib, 12 lead ECG & EEG, Cannula, BP, 02, Intubation, Catheter, Ambu, Breast Suction
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An immediate action custom request. Following a poorly managed illegal vaccine sale Casey becomes the guinea pig in this exciting clip. She is lying on the bed in the secret lab. The criminal nurses perform CPR on her. She is wearing only her panties with a lot of equipment and medical instruments around her. She is connected to a 12 lead ECG and EEG, Nasal cannula, with defib pads and BP cuff placed, and her limbs fixed. Following two cycles of CPR and more defibs her pulse returns but she moans, gasping for air and her eyes roll. The med team intubates her first and places a small nasal O...

Casey Guinea Pig Incident CPR, Resus, Defib, 12 lead ECG & EEG, Cannula, BP, 02, Intubation, Catheter, Ambu, Breast Suction

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1080p - mp4 1504MB
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720p - mp4 1014MB
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