Cherry Gyno Surgery and CA, Intubation, CPR, Resus, Defib, BP, Ambu, ECG
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 19 minutes
Date Added: 9/22/2018


Cherry is at the OR for routine gynecological surgery. The medical team preps her for the operation, place a white bouffant cap onto her head, hook her up to the heart monitor, and places a BP cuff. The med team positions her correctly on the OR table and the procedure is begins. The black rubber mask is placed and Cherry starts counting back from 100. The intubation procedure with ET tube is started and tape affixed to her eyes. She is hooked up to the respirator and everything is ready for surgery. The surgeon inserts the speculum first. The surgery is going well and almost finishes when ...

Cherry Gyno Surgery and CA, Intubation, CPR, Resus, Defib, BP, Ambu, ECG

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