Lucia Cardiac Arrest in office, MTM, CPR, RESUS, AED, Stething
My Rating:
Category: Medical Fetish
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 9/3/2020


(English) Supervisor Lucia is in the office when she reviews serious mistakes made by her subordinate just before a meeting where she has to give a presentation on data. She calls her subordinate in and she makes her very nervous with her poor explanations. Soon Lucia starts gasping for air and collapses to the floor. Her subordinate is scared, checks her vitals but there is no breathing or pulse! She calls the ambulance and runs for the AED. She starts the resus procedure per the machine's instructions. "Shock advised !" says the machine but there is no response. Her Subordinate starts CPR...

Lucia Cardiac Arrest in office, MTM, CPR, RESUS, AED, Stething

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