Shelly Stress Test, Heart Exam, Stething, EKG, BP (in )
My Rating:
Category: Medical Clinic
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 10/17/2009


(High Definition Version) Shelly arrives in the examine room for a stress test after her EKG (The EKG marks are still on her chest at the clips start). Peggy and Nicky perform the examination, check her BP, and listen to her heart. After that Nicky places the stresstest electrodes onto her chest and helps her to position on the treadmill. The monitor is truned on and. Shelly starts the stepping... her beautiful breasts start swinging as it moves faster and faster with the many electrodes on. Her EKG rate goes higher and higher. Later Nicky puts a big transparent mask on her with straps to c...

Shelly Stress Test, Heart Exam, Stething, EKG, BP (in )

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