Tamara Massive CA, CPR, Resus, Defib, IV, AED, Ambu
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 18 minutes
Date Added: 2/22/2015


(English) Tamara and her colleague are working at their satellite location when Tamara gets a mail with the latest poor financial news for the last quarter. She starts feeling poorly. Her colleague finishes her job and tries to help Tamara but she doesn't know what to do. Tamara is on the floor gasping for air, and complaining of chest pains. Her colleague finally calls an ambulance while Tamara starts breathing even more heavily and has a seizes. Her vital signs and the sounds of her breathing scare her colleague. She holds her hands and tries to relax her but soon Tamara crashed. First he...

Tamara Massive CA, CPR, Resus, Defib, IV, AED, Ambu

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