Victoria Shy Patient Gyno Exam, BP, Stething, Speculum
My Rating:
Category: Medical Fetish
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 12/23/2020


(English) Sexy Victoria is at the Doctor's Office for a gyno exam. First the doctor checks her BP and her throat. She must takes off her bra too for a short auscultation exam but she is very shy and needs to be coaxed to finally takes her clothes off. The doctor checks her lungs and heart then instructs her to lie down on the exam table. She performs an abdominal palpation exam. When everything looks good, the med team gives her a hospital gown to go to the gyno exam room. Victoria is placed onto the gyno exam table. The doctor makes a detailed breast palpation exam on her. Then she must pl...

Victoria Shy Patient Gyno Exam, BP, Stething, Speculum

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