Sometimes you can just get a positive vibe from someone... or something. It can happens most often when your surroundings are unfamiliar. Our in-house submissive and rubber slut (aka Sandy Skarsgard) allowed herself to be put into this very kind of situation. She paid a visit to our friends over at Fetish Nation and received nothing but good vibrations for the duration of her stay, at lest her wet pussy did. This is part one of a four part segment that chronicles Sandy's exploration into the methods of yet another top notch fetish porn production house that we endorse and are web partners with...
Sometimes you can just get a positive vibe from someone... or something. It can happens most often when your surroundings are unfamiliar. Our in-house submissive and rubber slut (aka Sandy Skarsgard) allowed herself to be put into this very kind of situation. She paid a visit to our friends over at Fetish Nation and received nothing but good vibrations for the duration of her stay, at lest her wet pussy did. This is part one of a four part segment that chronicles Sandy's exploration into the methods of yet another top notch fetish porn production house that we endorse and are web partners with...