Dont be nervous about the invitation to be here. I asked you to come because I am aware my husband increased the rent to all his tenants. I also understand you are a struggling artist and might have challenges handling the increase. You are a healthy young man and as an artist Im sure you can be crafty in meeting your living expenses. Lets be honest, I married my husband for his money not his physical attributes. You however are quite pleasurable to look at. I have a proposition for you in which wi...
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Dont be nervous about the invitation to be here. I asked you to come because I am aware my husband increased the rent to all his tenants. I also understand you are a struggling artist and might have challenges handling the increase. You are a healthy young man and as an artist Im sure you can be crafty in meeting your living expenses. Lets be honest, I married my husband for his money not his physical attributes. You however are quite pleasurable to look at. I have a proposition for you in which wi...