Yesss so glad I was able to get this on camera!!! My stomach was hurting real bad and I didnt really know WHAT to expect when I sat down. I farted a bunch then all of a sudden a little comes out like a rocket from my asshole!!! Must see!
** Please not this clip is in MP4 format. From now on my clips will be MP4 and not WMV. Please email me if you have problems playing the clips.
Yesss so glad I was able to get this on camera!!! My stomach was hurting real bad and I didnt really know WHAT to expect when I sat down. I farted a bunch then all of a sudden a little comes out like a rocket from my asshole!!! Must see!
** Please not this clip is in MP4 format. From now on my clips will be MP4 and not WMV. Please email me if you have problems playing the clips.